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第一章 总则
第一条 根据《中华人民共和国邮政法》(以下简称《邮政法》)的规定,制定本实施细则。
第二条 中华人民共和国邮电部(以下简称邮电部)是国务院邮政主管部门,管理全国邮政工作。
第三条 市、县邮电局(含邮政局,下同)是全民所有制的经营邮政业务的公用企业(以下简称邮政企业),经邮电管理局授权,管理该地区的邮政工作。
第四条 未经邮政企业委托,任何单位或者个人不得经营信函、明信片或者其他具有信件性质的物品的寄递业务,但国务院另有规定的除外。
第五条 邮政企业委托其他单位或者个人代办邮政业务时,应当协商一致,并签订代办合同。
第六条 凡使用我国邮政业务的一切单位或者个人统称邮政用户(以下简称用户)。
第七条 邮政企业应当为用户提供迅速、准确、安全、方便的邮政服务,保障用户使用邮政的合法权益。
第八条 因国家安全或者追查刑事犯罪需要,公安机关、国家安全机关、检察机关检查、扣留邮件,冻结汇款、储蓄存款时,必须依法向相关县或者县级以上的邮政企业、邮电管理局出具相应的检查、扣留、冻结通知书,并开列邮件、汇款、储蓄存款的具体节目,办理检查、扣留、冻结手续后,由邮政企业指派专人负责拣出,逐件登记后办理交接手续;对于不需要继续检查、扣留、冻结或者查明与案件无关的邮件、汇款、储蓄存款,应当及时退还邮政企业。邮件、汇款、储蓄存款在检查、扣留、冻结期间造成丢失、损毁的,由相关的公安机关、国家安全机关、检察机关负责赔偿。
第九条 人民法院、检察机关依法没收国内邮件、汇款、储蓄存款时,必须出具法律文书,向相关县或者县级以上邮政企业、邮电管理局办理手续。没收进出口国际邮递物品应当由海关作出决定,并办理手续。
第十条 有关单位依照法律规定需要收集、调取证据、查阅邮政业务档案时,必须凭相关邮政企业所在地的公安机关、国家安全机关、检察机关、人民法院出具的书面证明,并开列邮件具体节目,向相关县或者县级以上的邮政企业、邮电管理局办理手续。
第十一条 任何单位或者个人不得从事下列行为妨害邮政工作的正常进行:

第二章 邮政企业的设置和邮政设施
第十二条 邮政企业及分支机构的设置标准,由邮电部规定;邮政企业的设置或者撤销,由邮电部批准;分支机构的设置或者撤销,由邮电管理局批准,报邮电部备案。
第十三条 地方各级人民政府应当将邮政企业及分支机构的设置和邮政设施的建设纳入城乡建设规划。
第十四条 建设城市新区、独立工矿区、住宅区或者旧城区成片改造,应当同时规划和设置与之配套的邮政企业及分支机构和邮政设施。
第十五条 邮政企业依法设置邮亭、邮政报刊亭、邮筒、信箱或者流动服务时,有关单位或者个人应当提供方便。
第十六条 接收邮件的信报箱是居民楼房的配套设施,设计单位应当将其纳入民用住宅建筑设计标准。
第十七条 较大的车站、机场、港口、饭店、应当在方便旅客的地方提供办理邮政业务的场所;邮政企业应当提供邮政业务服务。
第十八条 任何单位因建设需要,征用、拆迁邮政企业及分支机构或者邮政设施时,应当与当地邮政企业协商,在保证邮政通信正常进行的情况下,应当将邮政企业及分支机构、邮政设施迁至适宜的地方或者另建,所需费用由征用、拆迁单位承担。

第三章 邮政业务的种类
第十九条 邮政企业经营国内、国际邮件的寄递业务和邮件的特快专递业务。
第二十条 国内报刊发行业务是指报刊社委托邮政企业发行报纸、杂志的业务。
第二十一条 报刊社委托邮政企业发行报刊时,应当根据报刊发行的范围向指定的邮政企业或者邮政报刊发行局,出具有关主管部门批准出版和领有报纸、期刊登记证的证明。邮政企业有接办发行能力的,应当与报刊社遵循平等互利、协商一致、等价有偿的原则,按照国家有关规定签订报刊发行合同。
第二十二条 邮政储蓄、邮政汇兑业务是邮政企业为国家积聚资金、沟通经济往来所经办的金融业务,由邮电部统一管理,并按照国家有关规定,在金融业务上接受中国人民银行的指导。各相关银行应当为邮政企业办理的储蓄、汇兑业务提供便利。
第二十三条 各项邮政业务的具体种类和邮件分类,由邮电部规定。

第四章 邮政业务资费和邮资凭证
第二十四条 邮政业务的基本资费是指邮政专营的国内平常信函、明信片的资费;非基本资费是指基本资费以外的邮政业务资费。
第二十五条 制定和调整邮政业务资费的依据是:
第二十六条 邮资凭证是邮电部发行的,作为邮件纳费标志的有价证券,包括邮票,印在邮资信封、邮资明信片、邮资邮简上的邮票图案,邮资机打印的邮资符志。
第二十七条 “万国邮政联盟”发行的国际回信券,可以根据国际统一规定,兑换成等于特定重量级别的特定类别资费的邮票,但是不得兑换现金。
第二十八条 因工作需要,仿印邮票图案的,必须按照仿印邮票图案的有关规定,报经邮电部邮票主管部门或者有关邮电管理局审核、批准。
第二十九条 印制通信使用的信封必须符合国家标准,并由当地邮电管理局监制。
第三十条 印制明信片必须符合邮电部规定的规格标准。

第五章 邮件的寄递和损失赔偿
第三十一条 义务兵从部队发出的平常信函,免费寄递,其他军人不得免费寄递信函。义务兵寄递平常信函的监督管理办法由邮电部会同中国人民解放军有关部门制定。
第三十二条 用户交寄邮件应当符合邮电部规定的准寄内容、封装规格、书写格式,并正确书写邮政编码,其中,用户交寄信函使用的信封,必须符合国家标准;邮件封面和邮政业务单式上不得印(写)有或者粘贴与邮件无关的文字或者其他物品;邮资凭证正面不得涂抹、覆盖其他物品;不得使用伪造、仿印、剪割拼补、加工去污的邮资凭证。
第三十三条 禁止寄递或者在邮件内夹带下列物品:
第三十四条 国内限量寄递物品由邮电部会同国务院有关部门规定。
第三十五条 对于违反禁寄、限寄规定寄递的物品,邮政企业或者分支机构应当根据其种类、性质、数量等分别作出下列处理:
第三十六条 新建的企业、事业、居民住宅,应当由单位或者居民住宅的主管部门到当地邮政企业或者分支机构办理邮件投递登记手续;单位更改名称、收件人变更地址,应当事先通知当地邮政企业或者分支机构,也可以办理邮件改寄新址手续。邮政企业应当公布登记地点和电话号码。
第三十七条 邮件的投递方式,除邮电部另有规定外,按下列方式投递:
第三十八条 收件人领取给据邮件,收款人兑领汇款,应当向相关邮政企业或者分支机构交验本人有效证件,并在相关单式上盖章或者签名。
第三十九条 收件人接收给据邮件时发现封皮破损,应当场声明,并核对内件。确属邮政企业或者分支机构的责任而造成内件短少、损毁的,或者由于邮政企业、分支机构的责任造成给据邮件丢失、损毁的,邮政企业或者分支机构应当按照规定予以赔偿。由于收件人所在单位收发人员的过失造成给据邮件丢失、损毁、内件短少者,相关收发人员应当承担规定的赔偿责任。
第四十条 用户误收的邮件,应当及时退还邮政企业或者分支机构;用户误拆的邮件应当重封签章后退还邮政企业或者分支机构,并对误拆邮件的内容保守秘密。
第四十一条 单位收发人员接收给据邮件时,应当认真点核无误后,在相关清单上盖章签收。

第六章 邮件的运输、验关和检疫
第四十二条 邮电部、邮电管理局应当把邮件运输流向流量变化情况及时通告相关运输部门。各运输部门应当根据邮政通信需要,优先提供有效的车次、航班、舱容。
第四十三条 邮政企业委托运输单位运送邮件,应当签订运邮协议。
第四十四条 运输单位承运的邮件应当先于货物发运。因故临时停运或者改变运行时间、停靠位置时,运输单位应当及时通知邮政企业或者分支机构。
第四十五条 载有邮件的船舶应当悬挂邮旗,各有关港口对于悬挂邮旗的船舶应当优先放行。
第四十六条 运输单位承运邮件,除邮政企业或者分支机构派员押运者外,应当与邮政企业或者分支机构办理交接签收手续。
第四十七条 执行邮件运输和投递任务的车、船、邮政工作人员通过桥梁、渡口、隧道、检查站时,有关方面应当优先放行。带有邮政专用标志的邮政车辆在运递邮件时,凭公安机关核发的通行证,可以不受禁行路线、禁停地段的限制。运邮车辆或者邮政工作人员在运递邮件途中违章,有关主管部门应当记录后放行,待其完成运递任务后,再行处理。
第四十八条 邮政企业依据运输工具到站(港)、离站(港)时间和运递时限制订的作业时间表应当在变更前三日通知海关。海关应当按照邮政企业通知的作业时间表派员到场监管国际邮袋、查验进出口国际邮递物品;逾时不到场,延误运递时限造成的相关责任,由海关承担。
第四十九条 用户交寄应当施行卫生检疫或者动植物检疫的邮件,必须附有检疫证书。检疫部门应当及时对邮件进行验放,以保证邮件的运递时限。
第五十条 海关、检疫部门依法查验国际邮递物品或者检疫邮件,应当注意爱护;需要封存时,除向寄件人或者收件人发出通知外,应当同邮政企业或者分支机构履行交接手续,并负责保管,封存期不得超过四十五日。特殊情况需要延长封存期的,应当征得邮政企业或者分支机构及寄件人或者收件人的同意,并以不致造成被封存国际邮递物品或者邮件的损失为前提。被封存国际邮递物品或者邮件退还邮政企业或者分支机构时,邮政工作人员应当核对无误后予以签收。
第五十一条 依法查验邮递物品或者对邮件实施检疫需要使用邮政企业或者分支机构的场地和房屋时,由邮政企业与有关部门根据工作需要和实际可能协商解决。
第五十三条 出口国际邮件的海关关单的传递方式由海关总署与邮电部商定。

第七章 罚则
第五十四条 违反本细则第十一条规定的,由有关部门按照国家有关规定根据情节轻重,予以处罚;违反治安管理有关规定的,由公安机关依照《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚条例》处罚。
第五十五条 违反本细则第三十三条第三项规定,尚未造成严重后果的,由公安机关依照《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚条例》处理。
第五十六条 伪造或者冒用邮政专用标志、邮政标志服或者邮政日戳、邮政夹钳、邮袋等邮政专用品的,由邮电管理局或其授权单位处以一千五百元以下罚款,并没收有关物品。
第五十七条 以营利为目的,伪造邮资凭证,未经许可仿印邮票图案或者印制带有“中国人民邮政”字样明信片的,由邮电管理局或其授权单位处以五千元以下罚款,并没收非法所得和非法物品。
第五十八条 邮政工作人员隐匿、毁弃、私拆、盗窃邮件,贪污、冒领用户款项的,邮政企业应当追回赃款赃物,可以并处罚款,还可以根据情节轻重,给予行政处分。具体办法由邮电部规定。
第五十九条 违反本细则第四十一条第二款规定的,依照《邮政法》第三十六条规定追究责任。
第六十条 违反本细则规定,构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。
第六十一条 误收、误拆他人信件不予退还或者已退还但泄露信件内容,侵犯他人通信自由权利的,依照《邮政法》第三十六条规定追究责任。

第八章 附则
第六十二条 本细则所称公安机关、国家安全机关、检察机关是指县以上(含县级)公安机关、国家安全机关、检察机关。
第六十三条 邮电部可以根据本细则制定有关规章。
第六十四条 本细则由邮电部负责解释。
第六十五条 本细则自发布之日起施行。


Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Promulgated by Decree No. 65 of the State Council of the People's
Republic of China on November 12, 1990, and effective as of the date of

Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1
These Rules are formulated in accordance with the Postal Law of the
People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Postal Law).
Article 2
The Ministry of Post and Telecommunications of the People's Republic of
China (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Post and
Telecommunications) shall be the competent department of postal services
under the State Council and shall administer postal services throughout
the country.
The administrative bureaus of post and telecommunications of various
provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the
Central Government (hereinafter referred to as the administrative bureaus
of post and telecommunications) shall be the regional administrative
organs of postal services, which shall administer postal services of
respective regions.
Article 3
The municipality or county bureaus of post and telecommunications
(including the post offices, - the same below) shall be public enterprises
owned by the whole people that operate postal business (hereinafter
referred to as "Postal enterprises"), and, after being authorized by the
administrative bureaus of post and telecommunications, shall be
responsible for the administration of postal services of the respective
localities. The branch post and telecommunications bureaus, the post and
telecommunications offices, the branch post bureaus, and the postal
offices shall be the branch offices that handle postal business
(hereinafter referred to as "the branch office"); the postal kiosks and
newspaper and periodical stands shall be the service points of postal
enterprises. The post and telecommunications agencies shall be considered
as branch offices postal enterprises.
Article 4
Without the entrustment by the postal enterprises, no unit or individual
may operate posting and delivery of letters, postcards or other articles
with characteristics of mail, except as otherwise provided by the State
The letters refer to those carriers which transit information by using
sealed envelopes. The other articles with characteristics of mail refer
to those carriers which transmit information by using such forms as
symbols, images, or sounds. The specific contents thereof shall be
stipulated by the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications.
Article 5
In case that a postal enterprise entrusts other units or individuals with
the handling of postal business, they shall reach an agreement through
consultation and sign entrustment contracts.
Article 6
All units and individuals that make use of the postal services of China
shall be generally called postal users (hereinafter referred to as users).
Article 7
A postal enterprise shall provide users with fast, accurate, safe and
convenient postal services, and protect the lawful rights and interests of
users in making use of postal services.
Any unit of individual shall have the obligations to protect freedom and
privacy of correspondence, and the safety of postal materials; no unit or
individual may use postal services for activities forbidden by laws,
regulations and policies.
In the course of transportation and delivery of postal materials, no unit
or individual shall inspect or detain the postal materials under any
pretext, except when the inspection of correspondence according to law by
public security organs, state security organs, or procuratorial organs is
necessary for the state security or the investigation of criminal
Article 8
In the event that a public security organ, a state security organ, or a
procuratorial organ inspects or detains postal materials or freezes
remittances or savings deposits out of the necessity for the state
security or the investigation of a criminal offence, it is imperative for
the aforesaid organs to issue according to law notifications of the
relevant inspection, detention, or freezing to the postal enterprise or
the administrative bureau of post and telecommunications concerned at or
above the county level, and to make out a list of the specific items of
postal materials, remittances, or savings deposits; after going through
the procedures for inspection, detention or freezing, the postal
enterprise shall appoint specially-designated persons to be responsible
for sorting out the items in question, register them one by one, and then
go through the hand-over procedures; with respect to those postal
materials, remittances or savings deposits which need no further
inspection, detention or freezing, or which have been proved through
investigation to have nothing to do with the case concerned, they shall be
returned to the postal enterprise without delay. In case that in the
course of inspection, detention or freezing the postal materials,
remittances or savings deposits are lost or damaged, the relevant public
security, state security, or procuratorial organ shall be responsible for
Article 9
In case that a people's court, or a procuratorial organ confiscates
domestic postal materials, remittances or savings deposits, it must
present relevant legal documents, and go through the relevant procedures
with the postal enterprise and administrative bureau of post and
telecommunications at or above the county level. The decision on the
confiscation of incoming or outgoing international postal articles shall
be made by the Customs, which shall also complete the relevant procedures.
Article 10
In case that a unit concerned has the necessity to collect or obtain
evidence or consult the postal business archives, according to law, it
must obtain a written certificate issued by the public security organ, the
state security organ, the procuratorial organ, or the people's court, in
the place where the postal enterprise concerned is located, make a list of
the specific items of postal materials, and then go through the relevant
procedures with the postal enterprise and the administrative bureau of
post and telecommunications at or above the county level.
Article 11
No unit or individual may commit the following acts that hamper the normal
operations of postal services:
(1) to damage postal installations;
(2) to set up stalls or to stack up things in front of the entrance to, or
in the in-and-out passage ways of postal enterprises or their branch
offices, thereby hampering users to make use of postal services or
blocking the passage of postal vehicles;
(3) to make trouble willfully or disturb the normal order at the sites
where postal business is conducted;
(4) to hamper postal staff from executing their duties according to law,
or to seek a quarrel;
(5) to intercept postal means of transport, to hamper illegally the
transportation and delivery of postal materials, or force their way to get
on postal means of transport;
(6) to inspect or detain postal materials illegally;
(7) to commit other acts that hamper the postal enterprises or their
branch offices or postal staff from performing their normal work.

Chapter II The Establishment of Postal Enterprises and Postal Ins- tallations
Article 12
The standards for the establishment of postal enterprises and their branch
offices shall be stipulated by the Ministry of Post and
Telecommunications; the establishment and abolition of post enterprises
shall be approved by the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications; the
establishment and abolition of branch offices shall be approved by the
administrative bureaus of post and telecommunications and be reported to
the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications for the record.
Article 13
The local people's governments at various levels shall incorporate the
establishment of postal enterprises and their branch offices as well as
the construction of various postal installations into their urban and
rural construction plans.
Article 14
While constructing new districts in cities, isolated industrial and mining
areas and residential districts, as well as transforming large expanse of
old urban districts, the planning and establishment of the matching postal
enterprises and their branch offices as well as the various postal
installations shall be carried out simultaneously.
Article 15
When postal enterprises establish postal kiosks, newspaper and periodical
stands, pillar boxes, mail boxes or conduct mobile services according to
law, the units and individuals concerned shall provide conveniences.
Article 16
Letter and newspaper boxes for receiving postal materials are the matching
facilities in residential buildings, and designing units shall include
them in the standard designs of the construction of residential buildings.
Every construction unit of a residential building shall be installed, on
the ground floor, with letter and newspaper boxes corresponding to the
room numbers of the residents; or letter and newspaper boxes shall be
installed in a place or room with easy access in the midst of buildings,
for the residents to receive postal materials. The property right owners
of residential buildings, or the administrative units shall be responsible
for the maintenance and change of letter and newspaper boxes; the
maintenance and change of letter and newspaper boxes may also entrusted to
the local postal enterprises or their branch offices, and the expenses
necessary for labour and materials shall be paid by the entrusting units.
Article 17
Places for handling postal business, conveniently accessible to
passengers, shall be provided in relatively larger railway stations,
airports, ports and hotels; the postal enterprises shall provide various
postal services.
Article 18
Any unit that, for the needs of construction, requisitions, demolishes or
removes a postal enterprise and its branch offices or the postal
installations shall consult with the local postal enterprise; and, under
the condition that the normal operations of postal correspondence are
guaranteed, the said unit shall remove the postal enterprise and its
branch offices as well as the postal installations to a proper place, or
rebuild them, and the expenses thus entailed shall be borne by the unit
that conducts the requisition, demolition and removing.

Chapter III Categories of Postal Business
Article 19
Postal enterprises shall handle the posting and delivery of domestic and
international postal materials as well as the express delivery of postal
materials. Domestic postal materials refer to the postal materials
exchanged within the territory of the People's Republic of China; those
posted to or from the regions of Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan are called
postal materials of the regions of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan;
international postal materials refer to the postal materials exchanged
between the People's Republic of China and other countries or regions, and
postal materials transmitted by way of the territory of China.
Article 20
Distribution business of domestic newspapers and magazines refers to the
business of distributing newspapers and magazines entrusted by newspaper
and magazine offices to the postal enterprises.
Article 21
When newspaper and magazine offices entrust the postal enterprises with
the distribution of newspapers and magazines, they shall, in accordance
with the scope of the distribution of newspapers and magazines, present to
the appointed postal enterprises or the bureaus for distribution of postal
newspapers and magazines, certifications of having obtained the approval
for publication by the competent department concerned and the registration
certificate for newspapers and periodicals. The postal enterprises, which
have the capacity for handling distribution business, shall sign contracts
for the distribution of newspapers and magazines with the newspaper and
magazine offices concerned in accordance with the pertinent provisions of
the State, and in conformity with the principles of equality and mutual
benefit, of achieving unanimity through consultation, and of equal prices
and non-gratuitousness.
Article 22
Postal savings and postal remittances, which are financial businesses
handled by postal enterprises for the purpose of accumulating funds for
the State and facilitating economic transactions, shall be under the
unified administration of the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications and
shall, in accordance with the pertinent provisions of the State, accept
the guidance of the People's Bank of China in financial businesses. All
relevant banks shall provide conveniences for the businesses of postal
savings and postal remittances conducted by the postal enterprises.
Article 23
The specific categories of postal businesses and the classification of
postal materials shall be stipulated by the Ministry of Post and

Chapter IV Postal Rates of Postal Services and Postage Certi- ficates
Article 24
The basic postal rates of postal services refer to the postal rates for
the domestic ordinary letters and postcards; the non-basic postal rates
refer to the postal rates of postal services other than the basic postal
The basic postal rates of postal services shall be stipulated by the
competent department for the administration of commodity prices under the
State Council, and then be submitted to the State Council for approval;
the non-basic postal rates shall be stipulated by the Ministry of Post and
Article 25
The basis for the formulation and adjustment of postal rates of postal
services shall be as follows:
(1) to meet the social needs, on the condition that the cost expenses of
enterprises of postal correspondence and their capacity for development
are guaranteed;
(2) to adjust postal rates of domestic postal services in
the light of the changes in defrayment;
(3) to adjust postal rates of international postal services in accordance
with the provisions of the Universal Postal Union, the international and
domestic cost expenses, and the changes in exchange rates for Renminbi
Article 26
Postage certificates issued by the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications
and used as securities indicating that the charges or fees for postal
materials have already been paid shall include postage stamps, the postage
stamp patterns printed on stamped envelopes, stamped postcards, stamped
aerograms, and the "postage-paid" marking printed with a checking machine.
Article 27
The international reply-coupons issued by the Universal Postak Union may,
in accordance with the international unified provisions, be converted into
postage stamps equal to a specific category of postal rates for a specific
class of weight; however, such international reply-coupons shall not be
converted into cash.
Article 28
Where the making of facsimiles of stamp patterns is necessitated by work,
it must be submitted, in accordance with the pertinent provisions for the
making of facsimiles of postage stamp patterns, to the competent
department for postage stamps under the Ministry of Post and
Telecommunications, or to the administrative bureau of post and
telecommunications concerned, for examination and approval.
No printing unit may undertake the printing of unapproved facsimiles of
stamp patterns or matters similar to postage stamps.
Article 29
Envelopes to be printed for use in correspondence must conform to the
standards stipulated by the State, and the printing of such envelopes
shall be supervised by the local administrative bureaus of post and
Article 30
Postcards to be printed must conform with the specification standards
stipulated by the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications.
Postal enterprises at or above the county level may, with the approval of
the administrative bureaus of post and telecommunications, print and
distribute postcards with the inscription: "The People's Postal Service of
China" printed on them; if the printing of postcards is conducted by other
units, the printing operation shall be under the supervision of the local
administrative bureaus of post and telecommunications, but the postcards
shall not carry the inscription "The People's Postal Service of China"

Chapter V The Posting and Delivery of Postal Materials and the Compensation for Losses
Article 31
Ordinary letters to be sent by compulsory service-men from places where
they are stationed shall be posted and delivered free of charge, but other
armymen shall not post letters free of charge. Measures for the
administration of affairs concerning the posting and delivery of ordinary
letters by compulsory servicemen shall be formulated by the Ministry of
Post and Telecommunications in conjunction with the department concerned
of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.
Article 32
Users shall, in handling in or posting postal materials, comply with the
provisions stipulated by the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications
concerning the contents of postal materials, the specifications for
packaging and sealing, the writing forms, and the correct writing of
postcodes; especially the envelopes used by users for letters to be posted
must meet the standards stipulated by the State; the surface or cover of
postal materials and also the vouchers of postal services shall not be
printed (written) or stuck with any words or any other objects which have
nothing to do with the postal materials; the facade of postage
certificates shall not be smeared, or covered with any other objects; no
forged, facsimiled, cut and pieced together, or processed for
decontamination postal certificates may be used.
Article 33
It shall be forbidden to post and deliver or to insert in postal materials
the following objects:
(1) articles forbidden by law to be put in circulation or to be posted and
(2) reactionary newspapers, magazines, and propaganda materials, or
pornographic articles;
(3)explosive, combustible, corrosive, radioactive, poisonous, or any other
dangerous articles;
(4) articles that are harmful to public sanitation;
(5) perishables;
(6) various species of live animals;
(7) various currencies;
(8) articles that are not fit for delivery by post;
(9) articles that are not properly packed so that they might jeopardize
personal safety, or contaminate or damage other postal materials or
The articles mentioned in the preceding paragraph, which meet the
provisions of the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications for delivery
with special approval, may be accepted and posted on the condition that
safety is guaranteed.
Article 34
Article to be posted and delivered in the country with restricted
quantities shall be stipulated by the Ministry of Post and
Telecommunications in conjunction with the departments concerned under the
State Council.
Article 35
With respect to articles posted or delivered in violation of the pertinent
provisions for forbidding or restricting their posting and delivery, the
postal enterprises or their branch offices shall, in accordance with their
categories, natures, or quantities, handle them respectively in the
following ways:
(1) to withdraw the articles in question from delivery;
(2) to notify the sender to take back the articles within a prescribed
period of time, and, if the sender fails to do so when the prescribed time
limit expires, the said articles shall be disposed of right on the spot;
(3) to transfer the articles to the department concerned to be disposed of
according to law;

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第一条 为净化和保护教育环境,保障中小学生健康成长,根据《中华人民共和国教育法》、《中华人民共和国未成年人保护法》,结合我市实际,制定本办法。

第二条 本办法所称教育环境,主要是指直接影响中小学生健康成长的学校、社会和家庭环境。

第三条 本市行政区域内所有中小学教育和中等职业技术教育环境保护均适用本办法。

第四条 各级人民政府应当加强对教育环境保护工作的领导,有计划地设立爱国主义、革命传统教育基地,为中小学生开辟科技、文化、体育等社会活动场所。


第五条 各级人民政府的教育行政部门主管中小学教育环境保护工作。负责提出教育环境建设规划、制定环境育人计划,指导、评估、检查教育环境保护工作。

第六条 为使中小学生在学校活动有足够的环境空间,规划和新建学校时,生均占地面积、生均建筑面积必须按国家规定标准执行。原有低于国家规定标准的学校,在其周围改造时,政府应当予以补偿。

第七条 学校要依照《中华人民共和国国旗法》,坚持升降国旗制度。

第八条 学校应当把对中小学生爱护环境的教育列入思想品德教育之中。

第九条 校园环境建设应当优美、文明、整洁,要有鲜明的教育、科学、文化氛围。


第十条 学校要重视安全环境建设,建立安全教育制度,制定安全防范措施。

第十一条 学校用于教学的校舍、场地和设备不得出租、出让作非教学使用。

第十二条 禁止在校园内摆摊设点,从事以师生为消费对象的盈利性活动。

第十三条 禁止中小学生吸烟。禁止任何人在校园、教室和学生宿舍以及其他学生活动场所吸烟。

第十四条 教育、文化和科技等部门应当有计划地组织安排中小学生参加有教育意义的社会文化科技活动。

第十五条 图书馆、博物馆、科技馆、文化馆、美术馆、体育馆(场)等社会公共文化体育设施,以及历史文化古迹和革命纪念馆(地),应当对教师、学生实行优待。

第十六条 营业性的电子游戏机、台球、歌舞厅、卡拉OK厅及其他中小学生和未成年人不宜进入的场所,均应当在显著位置设立禁止中小学生入内的标志,并采取有效措施禁止中小学生进入。

第十七条 交通主管部门要在临街学校的街道上设置禁止机动车鸣号标志。

第十八条 任何组织或者个人不得在学校传教布道,不得强制中小学生加入宗教组织或者参加宗教活动,不得利用宗教进行妨碍国家教育制度的活动。

第十九条 任何组织或者个人不得冲击学校,扰乱、破坏学校教育环境和教学秩序。

第二十条 任何单位或者个人不得侵占、挤占学校校舍和场地,不得任意将学校的校舍场地改作他用,个别确实需要改变用途的,需经主管的教育行政部门报同级人民政府批准。

第二十一条 任何单位或者个人不得在学校门前二百米的半径内设立营业性电子游戏机、台球、歌舞厅、卡拉OK厅,以及其他中小学生和未成年人不宜进入的场所。

第二十二条 学校门前不得批设集贸市场。校门对面和两侧一百米的范围内不得批设流动摊点。

第二十三条 在学校附近不允许从事有严重污染和噪音的生产经营活动。

第二十四条 任何组织或者个人不得销售、出租、传播宣扬色情、暴力、淫秽、封建迷信等有害中小学生身心健康的图书、报刊、音像制品、电子计算机和游戏机软件等。

第二十五条 任何组织或者个人不得引诱、教唆中学生参加封建迷信、赌博、流氓等活动及其他有害中小学生身心健康的活动。

第二十六条 家庭应当根据条件为学生创造适宜的学习、生活环境。

第二十七条 学生的父母或者其他监护人应当对学生进行爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义等教育,并以自己的模范行为引导学生。


第二十八条 家庭应当配合学校安排好学生的节假期活动。

第二十九条 学生的父母或者其他监护人应当经常检查学生校外活动内容,对学生参与有害身心健康的活动,要及时制止,教育其改正。

第三十条 各级人民政府及有关部门对下述净化和保护教育环境成绩突出的单位和个人,给予精神鼓励和物质奖励。




第三十一条 违反本办法,有下列行为之一的,由有关部门责令限期改正。逾期不改的,视情节轻重,给责任人行政处分,并处五百元以上二千元以下罚款:




第三十二条 违反本办法,有下列行为之一的,由有关部门令其停止经营活动,不停止的,除强制停止外,没收非法所得,并处非法所得数额的一至五倍罚款:



第三十三条 违反本办法,在学校门前设立集贸市场和流动摊点的,由工商行政管理、市容主管部门予以取缔,并处一百元以上二千元以下罚款。

第三十四条 在学校附近从事有严重污染和噪音的生产经营活动的,由环境保护主管部门依据国家关于环境保护的法律规定处罚。

第三十五条 违反本办法,有下列行为之一的,由有关部门,予以处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任:




第三十六条 本办法经山西省人民代表大会常务委员会批准后施行。


中国中央广播事业局 瑞士广播电视公司


(签订日期1980年8月6日 生效日期1980年8月6日)

  第一条 双方将通过自由选择的方式,交换广播、电视新闻和有利于发展文化、科学、技术、经济等方面相互了解的广播电视节目。

  第二条 双方对有关两国双边关系的重大事件,如正式访问,展览会,文工团的演出,认为可以在各自的节目中进行报道的情况下,要互通消息。

  第三条 一方对另一方国家进行广播电视采访时,双方互相给予协助。

  第四条 双方将交换古典音乐、民间音乐、轻音乐和音乐节、音乐会,以及其他音乐活动的录音材料。

  第五条 通过交换所得到的影片和电视节目,接受一方有权用自己的费用将其翻译、配音或加字幕,但翻译要符合原文。

  第六条 广播电视材料的寄送费用由寄出一方承担,接受一方则根据本国现行法律,对这些材料的海关费用和其他费用予以负责。

  第七条 交换代表团将通过使馆商定,交换节目的程序,将通过书信往来确定。

  第八条 双方互相寄送广播节目和电视片的目录,并互相通知购买这些节目的条件。

  第九条 为方便选择节目和电视片,双方可以组织节目介绍。

  第十条 双方将重视联合制作电视节目的可能性,每次联合制片都将各自分别安排。

  第十一条 一国到另一国访问的小组,原则上费用由派出一方自理。

  第十二条 双方保证向对方通知关于所交换节目的播出费用或其他附加条件。

  第十三条 每年年底,双方将就本协议的执行情况交换意见,并对下一年的交换提出建议。

  第十四条 本议定书自签字之日起生效,有效期为两年。如在期满三个月前,任何一方均未以书面形式通知另一方终止本议定书,则本议定书的有效期将自动延长两年。

  中华人民共和国               瑞     士
   广播事业局                广播电视公司
                        总  经  理
   李 云 川                施特利奥·莫洛
   (代签)                  (签字)